Monday, December 10, 2012

Why I Miss Going to the Movie Theater

I’ve been a movie lover my whole life.  From Disney’s “The Lion King” to the hilarious "Zoolander," to the poignant “To Kill a Mockingbird,” I have loved my movies and more so I have loved watching them over and over again to recapture that feeling I get when the credits roll.  But not all of us get to see these movies in the theater.  Not all of us get to experience the thrill of grabbing food and drink, sitting with your best friend, excited for the previews, and watching the film.  I didn’t get the privilege of being in a theater when Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed graced the theater screens in It’s a Wonderful Life.  I didn’t get to be there, in a theater filled with people, moved by the storyline and crying at the realization that really, “no man is a failure who has friends.” 

Now, whether it be ticket prices or the fact that technology has allowed us to stay at home for just about everything, I don’t see many, myself included, going to the theater anymore unless a box office installment of vampires and werewolves comes our way.  Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate a good box office extravaganza as well, but to go and see a movie just for the sake of seeing a movie, I miss that. 

This past Thursday I was able to remember that exciting feeling of walking into a theater and really experiencing a movie; roaming the aisles, rocking in the seats, talking to my friend before it all began, and finishing the popcorn way before the movie even started.  December 6th was the 20th anniversary showing of Pulp Fiction, one of my all time favorite movies.  It also happened to be one of my best friend’s birthdays, which presented a dilemma.  Could I convince him to go?  Could I convince him that, before we head to the bar and toast to another year of him being alive, we spend 168 minutes of pure genius in an actual theater and not on the couch with the DVD player? 

Yes, yes I could.  I thought perhaps I’d find a struggle, but what I found meant so much more.  He’d never seen the movie! Can you believe that?  A person who has not seen Pulp Fiction; I always thought that was akin to the likelihood of finding a unicorn but yet here we are and in the holiday season no less!  The fact that it’s right around the holidays just made it that much more beautiful to go see a movie filled with such meaning, blood, and violence.  It was a Christmas miracle and by the end of the movie I just knew my friend would be moved to say, a la Tiny Tim, “God bless us everyone.”

We arrived at the AMC theater and waited on line for about 45 minutes.  I’m not a fan of lines nor am I a fan of waiting for anything, but this movie was worth it.  We grabbed our popcorn and my movie-watch-enhancing blue raspberry Icee and got to our seats.  As I watched each scene it was as if I saw it for the first time all over again, especially sitting next to a friend who had never seen it before.  The feel of having all these people around me scrambling to get a good seat, laughing at the right moments, sharing in the excitement of seeing it on the big screen, or clapping when it was over, made me remember why I love the theater.

I guess the point I am trying to make is that even in this technology age of advancement, maybe we can make more time to spend with others and not instant messaging or “facebooking” them.  Maybe, we can make more time to go to the theater, buy a ticket, and enjoy some human contact and a great film.  I was reminded of that on Thursday; reminded of the timelessness of film and that even if an ipod, ipad, or i-something comes out that can showcase a new movie and make french-fries at the same time, we should still make time for the theater and each other. 

Now THAT’S a tasty burger.   

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